Up for sale is this Bobby Toole, custom made, Damascus and mother of pearl gentleman’s folder. It has a beautiful razor sharp 2.25” Damascus blade. With a file worked and jeweled thumb stud. Mother of pearl scales. File worked back spacer. Fully around file worked titanium liners. Knife is liner lock. Operation is smooth as butter with absolutely no play in the blade. Fit and finish are flawless. No scratches or wear marks. This is an earlier knife, late 90’s – early 2000’s, which Bobby Toole hand engraved inside the back spacer, as seen in photo. Closed length is 3.5”. Overall length is 5.75”. TAKE OUT THIS KNIFE TO CLIP YOUR CIGAR OR WHAT HAVE YOU AND BE PREPARED FOR A LOT OF ATTENTION. YOU WILL NEVER COME ACROSS ANOTHER KNIFE LIKE THIS. THIS IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF KNIFE ART I HAVE EVER SEEN. DON’T MISS THIS CHANCE OF A LIFETIME.